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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

Secret Esoteric Buddhism

Secret Esoteric Buddhism

Esoteric Buddhism is also known by the terms Mantrayana and Tantra. These teachings are secret and not available to everyone, whereas Exoteric teachings learned from books are accessible to everyone. The student of Esotericism must receive a proper initiation from a master or guru from a valid lineage of masters

The Benefits Of Offerings

The Benefits of Offerings

Making offerings to the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha – is a magnificent daily practice. A wonderful day to start a day is to cultivate bodhicitta and generosity for the day ahead. By doing it, we create positive karma and help other sentient beings. Making offerings is a practice

Causes Of Suffering

Causes of Suffering

The real cause of suffering is within you. Running away to the mountains or to the moon is only a change of place, an external thing, which will not cut off the inner source of our problems. We have to check within ourselves. Some people think that meditating is a

Impermanence & Suffering

Impermanence & Suffering

All objects, including one’s life, people, and possessions are impermanent. They all change, degenerate, perish and cease to exist. If we do not realize the impermanence of things we live a life of hallucinations and dreams thinking things will be with us all the time, and we live forever. Death

The Roots of Suffering: Understanding the True Causes According to Buddhism

We all are experiencing suffering, and we all naturally desire happiness. To be free from suffering, we need to clearly understand the causes and conditions that give rise to suffering and ways to eliminate them. Until we understand that, no matter our wealth, intellect, the success we may have achieved,

Why do I suffer?

Why do I suffer?

The real cause of suffering is within you. Running away to the mountains or to the moon is only a change of place, an external thing, which will not cut off the inner source of our problems. We have to check within ourselves. Some people think that meditating is a

buddhaland beautiful sunrise sunset dawn buddha sculpture symbol

Four Noble Truths: The Core Teaching of Buddhism

The Buddha’s first teaching after his enlightenment centered on the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of Buddhism. It is said that when the Buddha first realized enlightenment, he had no intention of teaching. But upon reflection—in the myths, he was asked to teach by gods—he decided to teach

Gratitude in daily life

Gratitude in daily life

Gratitude is one of the most powerful practices for living the dharma in daily life and the most easily cultivated, requiring the least sacrifice for what is gained in return. We should be grateful not just because we got what we want or we had good fortune, rather, we should

Who is the Future Buddha

Who is the Future Buddha?

Buddha Maitreya There are multitudes of buddhas, especially in Mahayana and Vajrayana scriptures and art. They represent aspects of enlightenment, and they also represent our own deepest natures. Some of the better known iconic or transcendent buddhas include Amitabha, the Buddha of Boundless Light; Bhaiṣajyaguru, the Medicine Buddha who represents

How to nourish your soul with Buddhism

How to nourish your soul with Buddhism?

The Buddha spoke of four kinds of nutriments, the four kinds of foods that we consume every day. Our happiness and suffering depend very much on whether what we consume is wholesome or unwholesome. THE FIRST NUTRIMENT: EDIBLE FOOD Before eating, we can look at the food on the table

10 must-read beginners books on Buddhism

10 must-read beginners books on Buddhism

Start Where You Are by Pema Chödrön Buy the book here The Compassionate Kitchen. Buddhist Practices for Eating with Mindfulness and Gratitude by Thubten Chodron Buy the book here Guided Buddhist Meditations. Essential Practices on the Stages of the Path by Thubten Chodron Buy the book here Approaching the Buddhist

Who is Buddha Vairocana

Who is Buddha Vairocana?

Vairocana Buddha is a major iconic figure of Mahayana Buddhism. He is another of the five wisdom Buddhas. In the Mahavairocana Sutra, Vairocana appears as the universal Buddha from whom all buddhas emanate. He is the source of enlightenment who resides free from causes and conditions. As Chinese Buddhism developed,

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