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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

An In-Depth Exploration of Bhumisparsha Mudra

Buddhism Bhumisparsha Mudra Hand Gesture Meditation

In the realm of Buddhist iconography, the Bhumisparsha Mudra stands as a potent symbol of enlightenment, wisdom, and compassion. Often depicted in sculptures, paintings, and statues of the Buddha, this iconic hand gesture carries profound significance rooted in the teachings of Buddhism. In this article, we embark on a journey to unravel the truths behind […]

Vajrasattva: The Bodhisattva of Purification

Who is Vajrasattva? Vajrasattva stands as a prominent figure within Mahayana Buddhism, embodying the essence of purification and enlightenment. Often depicted as a white deity adorned with jewels, Vajrasattva holds the vajra, symbolizing indestructible purity, in one hand and a bell, representing wisdom, in the other. The Practice of Vajrasattva The Vajrasattva practice holds significance […]

The Wheel of Life: Exploring the Mandala Depicting Buddhist Cosmology

wheel of life depiction traditional tibetan buddhism painting

The Wheel of Life is a mandala—a complex picture representing the Buddhist view of the universe. To Buddhists, existence is a cycle of life, death, rebirth, and suffering from which they seek complete liberation. The six major sections represent the Six Realms, each depicting different states of existence. In each realm, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara appears to guide […]

Walking Meditation: A Step-by-Step Guide

monks feet buddhism touch the earth walking meditation

A walking meditation is designed to bring body and mind in sync while we’re out and about. And if you don’t like to sit and close the eyes to meditate, this is a great alternative that still trains the mind in awareness.

Practice Giving in Buddhism

Art of Giving

It’s relatively easy to be enlightened when sitting on the meditation cushion. But can you be as compassionate, calm, and generous in the daily life?  Practice Giving Generosity in Buddhism isn’t just about giving things away; it’s about being compassionate and forming an essential part of Bodhicitta, which is the aspiration for enlightenment. Practitioners are […]

Behaving in Temples

Theravada Buddhism, revered as the oldest surviving school of Buddhism, holds steadfast to the preservation of the Buddha’s original teachings, meticulously recorded in the Pali Canon. Amidst the rich tapestry of Buddhist architecture, three distinct structures stand out: Stupas, characterized by their bell-shaped design, enshrine sacred relics or scriptures within their solid structures, shielding them […]

Empowering Women in Buddhism: 5 Amazing Facts

Though women have always played an important role in Buddhism, they haven’t always been given the recognition or rights they deserve. #1 The Buddha’s Initial Opposition to Nuns The ancient chronicle recounts a significant event when Mahāpājapati, the Buddha’s aunt and foster mother, along with five hundred princesses, approached the Buddha with a request to […]

Exploring the Significance of Dharmachakra Mudra in Buddhist Practice

Dharmachakra Mudra mudra hand positioning

One of the most important mudras in Buddhism What is Mudra? Mudra is hand position often depicted in Buddhist art and used in practice to evoke a particular state of mind. A mudra is a Sanskrit word that means sign. You may have used mudra in your yoga class. Or if you look at any […]

Secret Tibetan Chöd Practice

Buddhist Chöd Practice

The Tibetan term “chöd” translates to “cutting off” or “slaying.” It refers to a traditional Buddhist practice where individuals offer their own bodies to frightening demons. Through Chöd, practitioners aim to break free from self-centeredness and the belief in a fixed, independent identity. Chöd involves symbolically offering one’s body, often through visualization, music, and chanting, […]

Understanding Pure Land Buddhism: Heaven in Buddhism

Amitabha Buddha Pure Land Buddhism Giant Buddha BuddhaLand Kamakura

Pure Land Buddhism, centered around the veneration of Amitabha Buddha, stands as a prominent school within Mahayana Buddhism, particularly flourishing in East Asia. At its core lies the belief in rebirth in Amitabha‘s Western Paradise, known as Sukhavati or the Pure Land, through sincere devotion and invocation of Amitabha’s name. The Splendor of Sukhavati Described […]

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