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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

Understanding the Bow: Exploring the Japanese Tradition and its Buddhist Roots

Japanese politeness Japan temple drawing aesthetic wallpaper

In Japan, the bow is more than just a gesture of politeness; it’s a deeply ingrained cultural practice that carries significant meaning and symbolism. From formal greetings to expressions of gratitude, the bow is a ubiquitous part of Japanese social interaction. But why do Japanese people bow, and how does this custom relate to Buddhism, […]

Ananda – Buddha’s Closest Disciple

Buddha’s cousin, his closest disciple, and the one who remembered all the teachings of Buddha – who was Ananda? The Buddha was always accompanied by an attendant whose job it was to run messages for him, prepare his seat and to attend to his personal needs. For the first twenty years of his ministry, he […]

Exploring the Depths of Dzogchen: The Path to Great Perfection

In the vast and profound landscape of Tibetan Buddhism, one finds the majestic teachings of Dzogchen, a path of wisdom and realization that transcends ordinary conceptions of self and reality. Rooted in the ancient traditions of Nyingma and Bön, Dzogchen has flourished over the centuries, embraced by various schools and revered as the pinnacle of […]

Exploring the Multifaceted Bodhisattva of Compassion

The Bodhisattva of Compassion stands as a beacon of empathy and altruism, revered across Buddhist traditions under a multitude of names that echo through the corridors of time and geography. In China, the compassionate deity is known as Guanyin, embodying the essence of mercy and grace. Japanese Buddhists invoke the name Kannon, while in Nepal, […]

What is Middle Way in Buddhism?

The school’s name is based on the idea from Buddhism that it follows a middle way, steering clear of extreme beliefs like eternalism (everything exists forever) and annihilationism (things have a core essence that disappears when they cease to exist). Nagarjuna: The Founder of The Middle Way School Nagarjuna, an influential figure in Buddhist philosophy, […]

Energy Channels

art buddha painting ai buddha chakra karma prana

In the realm of human experience, both waking and dreaming, lies a profound truth: all that we perceive, feel, and encounter is underpinned by a subtle yet potent force known as prana. Referred to as “lung” in Tibetan and prana in Sanskrit, this vital energy flows through intricate channels within the body, shaping our perceptions […]

The importance of Mantras

monks mantra recitation the meaning of mantras bells vajras buddhism Vajrayana temple

In the practice of Buddhism, we engage fully with our senses. Chanting or reciting mantras taps into the profound power of sound, inviting us to immerse ourselves in the practice of listening.  Central to this practice is the understanding of the person as comprising ‘body, speech, and mind’, often referred to as the Three Vajras.  […]

Mind-Body Duality in Mahayana Buddhism

Through the recognition of emptiness and interdependence, Mahayana teachings offer profound insights into the interconnectedness of all phenomena, guiding practitioners on the path toward ultimate liberation for the benefit of all sentient beings. What is Mahayana Buddhism? Mahayana, meaning “Great Vehicle,” emerged around the first century CE as a movement seeking to broaden the scope […]

The Panchen Lama: Unveiling Centuries of Legacy and Modern Controversy

Who is Panchen Lama

In this article, we embark on an immersive journey delving into the rich tapestry of history and controversy surrounding the Panchen Lama—a revered spiritual leader deeply entrenched in the intricate fabric of Tibetan Buddhism. From the hallowed halls of ancient monasteries to the corridors of modern geopolitics, the saga of the Panchen Lama captivates the […]

Understanding Anger: A Buddhist Perspective

anger buddhism buddha fire dealing with strong emotion angry monk real picture

Anger is a powerful emotion that affects individuals in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional interactions. In Buddhism, anger is considered one of the “three poisons” alongside ignorance and attachment, hindering one’s journey towards enlightenment. However, Buddhism offers profound insights and practical techniques for understanding and managing anger in constructive ways. The […]

New Year celebration in Zen Buddhism

temple kyoto new year celebration Malayana

In the winter Mahayana Buddhists around the world prepare to celebrate the New Year, a time of reflection, renewal, and intention-setting. While the date of this celebration varies among different Mahayana traditions, including Japanese Zen Buddhism, which often observes it on December 31st, the essence remains consistent—a time to contemplate being, breathing, and embracing the […]

Buddhist Community – Sangha

buddhist community sangha

Sangha is a community of friends practicing the dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness. But that sangha is more than a community, it’s a deep spiritual practice. “In the narrowest sense, sangha refers to “the community of monks and nuns.” This meaning can be expanded to include all those who […]

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