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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

Selfishness in Buddhism

Selfishness in Buddhism

Understanding selflessness does not mean that we should foster a negative self-image. That’s still self-grasping. One extreme is narcissism, thinking that because of your looks or your skills or your worldly achievements or your learning or your race or your gender or your charisma or whatever, somehow you are better than everyone else. That’s one […]

Guided Meditation on Compassion

Guided Meditation on Compassion

First, it is important to start by arousing a deeply felt warmth, sensitivity, and compassion for all beings. To do so, begin by thinking about someone who has been very kind and loving to you; in most cases, this could be your own mother. Remember and reflect on her kindness—how she gave you life, how […]

What is compassion?

What is compassion

Before cultivating love and compassion, it is important to understand what these two terms refer to. In the Buddhist tradition, they are seen as two aspects of the same feeling of benevolence: love is the desire that all beings may be happy, and compassion is the wish that they may be free from suffering. All […]

The Best Books on Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism

The Best Books on Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism

Masters of Meditation and Miracles: Lives of the Great Buddhist Masters of India and Tibet by Tulku Thondup Buy here Dudjom Rinpoche, Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje. The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: its Fundamentals and History. Two Volumes. 1991. Translated and edited by Gyurme Dorje with Matthew Kapstein. Wisdom Publications, Boston. Buy here Deity, Mantra, and […]

Books on Buddhism and Science that Will Change Your Life

Books on Buddhism and Science that Will Change Your Life

Science has tremendous importance in the modern world. Science is helping us to explore the nature of reality. This dialogue between science and spirituality has a long history. “Whether we see ourselves as random biological creatures or as special beings endowed with the dimension of consciousness and moral capacity will make an impact on how […]



Mantra of the Bodhisattva of Compassion Since mantras are just made up of sounds, people in modern society may have difficulty understanding that reciting mantras brings genuine beneficial effects. Nevertheless, sounds can be very powerful, and everyday life experience illustrates this. For instance, if someone praises you with all kinds of flattering words, you feel […]

Who is the Future Buddha?

Who is the Future Buddha

Buddha Maitreya There are multitudes of buddhas, especially in Mahayana and Vajrayana scriptures and art. They represent aspects of enlightenment, and they also represent our own deepest natures. Some of the better known iconic or transcendent buddhas include Amitabha, the Buddha of Boundless Light; Bhaiṣajyaguru, the Medicine Buddha who represents the power of healing; and […]

What is Buddhism in China?

What is Buddhism in China

Is Buddhism in China differs from the rest of the world? Is it allowed to be a Buddhist? Buddhism is the most important religion in China. When did Buddhism arrived to China? It is generally believed that it was spread to China in 67 AD during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220) from Hotan in Xinjiang […]

How to nourish your soul with Buddhism?

How to nourish your soul with Buddhism

The Buddha spoke of four kinds of nutriments, the four kinds of foods that we consume every day. Our happiness and suffering depend very much on whether what we consume is wholesome or unwholesome. THE FIRST NUTRIMENT: EDIBLE FOOD Before eating, we can look at the food on the table and breathe in and out […]

10 must-read beginners books on Buddhism

10 must-read beginners books on Buddhism

Start Where You Are by Pema Chödrön Buy the book here The Compassionate Kitchen. Buddhist Practices for Eating with Mindfulness and Gratitude by Thubten Chodron Buy the book here Guided Buddhist Meditations. Essential Practices on the Stages of the Path by Thubten Chodron Buy the book here Approaching the Buddhist Path by Dalai Lama XIV, […]

Who is Buddha Vairocana?

Who is Buddha Vairocana

Vairocana Buddha is a major iconic figure of Mahayana Buddhism. He is another of the five wisdom Buddhas. In the Mahavairocana Sutra, Vairocana appears as the universal Buddha from whom all buddhas emanate. He is the source of enlightenment who resides free from causes and conditions. As Chinese Buddhism developed, Vairocana became especially important to […]

The Wild History of the Dalai Lamas in 10 minutes

The Wild History of the Dalai Lamas in 10 minutes

The history of the Dalai Lamas covers more than 500 years. It is full of power struggles, magic, religious rivalry, and strategic moves. It is the Tibetan Plateau’s version of “The Game of Thrones” which has seen 14 different Lamas ascend the throne. What is the Dalai Lama of Tibet? “Dalai Lama” is the title […]

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