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Buddha Land

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Spiritual Wisdom

Buddha Land

Causes of Suffering

Causes Of Suffering

The real cause of suffering is within you. Running away to the mountains or to the moon is only a change of place, an external thing, which will not cut off the inner source of our problems. We have to check within ourselves. Some people think that meditating is a waste of time. If you […]

Impermanence & Suffering

Impermanence & Suffering

All objects, including one’s life, people, and possessions are impermanent. They all change, degenerate, perish and cease to exist. If we do not realize the impermanence of things we live a life of hallucinations and dreams thinking things will be with us all the time, and we live forever. Death is a part of our […]

Inside a Buddhist Temple

Inside A Buddhist Temple

Tibetan Buddhist Temple Dress Modestly Either male or female should have both the legs and the shoulders covered. Take off your shoes. (When visiting a temple, make sure you take off your footwear at the entrance). Do not take pictures with your back facing Buddha statues. Taking photographs is acceptable in most Buddhist temples but […]

Meditation on Loving-Kindness

Meditation on Loving-Kindness

Practice Tonglen – an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion. Tonglen practice, also known as “taking and sending,” reverses our usual logic of avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure. We visualize taking in the pain of others with every in-breath and sending out whatever will benefit them on the out-breath. We begin to feel love for […]

Buddhism meditation on unhealthy attachment

Buddhism meditation on unhealthy attachment

Attachment can manifest in trauma, self-destructive habits, or negative lifestyle practices. Buddhist non-attachment encourages peace of mind and self-preservation. Factoring the idea of non-attachment in alcohol or drugs with the awareness that meditation can bring peace is a powerful step in attaining positive change. Buddhist doctrines deal in detail with craving and attachment, how they […]

Madhyamaka and Non-duality

Madhyamaka and Non-duality

Madhyamaka is “the school of the Middle Way.” Main texts: The Wisdom Sutras – forty texts collected under the title Prajnaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra. Founder of Madhyamaka school is Nagarjuna. Nagarjuna’s principal contribution to Buddhism was his systematization of the sutras’ teachings and focus on Emptiness (“Sunyata”). Emptiness is a deepening of the doctrine […]

Nature of reality

Nature of reality

By Nagarjuna Buddhists all agree that there is nothing in reality that is the basis of our sense of “I” and “mine.” They agree that it is our mistaken belief in the existence of something behind this sense of “I” and “mine” that brings about suffering. So they should all agree that reality is characterized […]

The Roots of Suffering: Understanding the True Causes According to Buddhism

We all are experiencing suffering, and we all naturally desire happiness. To be free from suffering, we need to clearly understand the causes and conditions that give rise to suffering and ways to eliminate them. Until we understand that, no matter our wealth, intellect, the success we may have achieved, there is no real peace. […]

Why do I suffer?

Why do I suffer?

The real cause of suffering is within you. Running away to the mountains or to the moon is only a change of place, an external thing, which will not cut off the inner source of our problems. We have to check within ourselves. Some people think that meditating is a waste of time. If you […]

Four Noble Truths: The Core Teaching of Buddhism

buddhaland beautiful sunrise sunset dawn buddha sculpture symbol

The Buddha’s first teaching after his enlightenment centered on the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of Buddhism. It is said that when the Buddha first realized enlightenment, he had no intention of teaching. But upon reflection—in the myths, he was asked to teach by gods—he decided to teach to relieve the suffering of […]

When do I need the empowerment?

When do I need the empowerment

There are three different vehicles in Buddhism: the Hinayana Path, The Mahayana Path and the Secret Mantra – Vajrayana Path. In order to enter the Secret Mantra – Vajrayana Path you have to receive empowerment (initiation). Empowerment is the Vajrayana ritual which awakens the special capacity for primordial wisdom to arise in the mind of […]

Secrets of Tibetan Yogis of Vajrayana Buddhism

Secrets of Tibetan Yogis of Vajrayana Buddhism

Tibetan Yogis constitute a unique group of profound practitioners within the Vajrayana school of Mahayana Buddhism. It is believed that they possess the ability to execute miracles, perform magic, and even achieve levitation. The veracity of these claims prompts the question: how can such extraordinary phenomena be possible? This article aims to shed light on […]

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