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Buddha Land

The Ultimate Guide to THE Buddhist Meditation Posture

The Ultimate Guide to THE Buddhist Meditation Posture

The Seven-point Posture of Vairochana, used by experienced meditators for centuries, is recommended as the best way to attain a calm, clear state of mind. Recognized as the optimal and correct Buddhist meditation posture, it helps unravel the timeless wisdom embedded in the meditation practice, guiding you toward inner serenity and mindfulness. Correct Buddhist Posture: […]

Engaged Buddhism: Thich Nhat Hanh’s Vision of Mindfulness in Action

Thich Nhat Hanh

Engaged Buddhism, a movement pioneered by the renowned Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, offers a profound synthesis of Buddhist teachings with social activism and compassionate action. This article explores the essence of Engaged Buddhism and delves into the life and philosophy of its founder, Thich Nhat Hanh. Who was Thich Nhat Hanh? Thich Nhat […]

The Goal of Mahayana Buddhism


What is Mahayana Buddhism? Who is the Bodhisattva? What is the Bodhisattva vow? The Trikaya – the Three Bodies of Buddha Mahayana New Year Mahayana Sutras Mahayana VS Vajrayana What is Mahayana Buddhism? Mahayana, one of Buddhism’s primary branches, derives its name from the Sanskrit term “Mahayana,” which translates to the great vehicle. Within Mahayana […]

The 10-Step Path Towards Buddhahood: An Enlightened Journey

The quest for Buddhahood is the ultimate spiritual journey, embodying the aspiration to realize one’s fullest potential and understand the true nature of existence. This journey is not for the faint-hearted but for those who are willing to dedicate their lives to achieving enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. Buddhahood represents the culmination of […]

Exploring the Differences and Similarities between Catholicism and Buddhism

Dalai Lama Pope Catholicism Christianity Buddhism

In a world characterized by diverse spiritual beliefs and practices, the comparison between Catholicism and Buddhism stands as a testament to the complexities of human faith. While the Western world witnesses a growing interest in Buddhism, parts of Asia are experiencing a resurgence in Catholicism. This intriguing phenomenon begs the question: what are the underlying […]

Emptiness and “I”

What is the Essence of Emptiness? Emptiness stands as the cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy, setting it apart from other belief systems. Buddhism teaches that neither individuals, nor other sentient beings, nor any aspect of the cosmos possess an enduring, distinct, and autonomous essence, such as a core, soul, or identity. Another perspective frames this as […]

The Mysteries of Death and Transformation in Tibetan Buddhism

In the intricate tapestry of Tibetan Buddhism, the journey of consciousness doesn’t cease with death but embarks on a profound odyssey through various states of existence. Central to this belief is the concept of the bardo—a liminal phase between death and rebirth where the mind traverses subtle realms, paving the way for a new incarnation. […]

Gratitude in daily life

Gratitude in daily life

Gratitude is one of the most powerful practices for including the Dharma – Buddha’s wisdom in daily life, and it is also one of the easiest to cultivate, requiring the least sacrifice for the immense benefits gained in return. Gratitude Practice Steps Morning Gratitude Meditation: Action: Upon waking, before engaging in any other activities, take […]

Exploring the Mind-Body Relationship

In the realm of philosophy and neuroscience, a perennial question persists: What defines the self? Some argue that the mind and the self are synonymous, while others propose that the self transcends the confines of the mind, entwining with the essence of being. While the brain serves as the physical apparatus through which the mind […]

Powerful Red Tara: Mantra, Meaning, Benefits

red tara tibetan buddhism sangha traditional buddhist panting rainbow

Tara – is an important figure in Buddhism and probably the most beloved deity in Mahayana Buddhism. Tara is a broad name if you will for a group of Bodhisattvas that are of the similar aspect. These could be defined as different aspects of the same eminence as Bodhisattvas are considered allegorical in general for […]

Jataka Stories: Buddha’s Stories from Previous Lives

Kataka Stories Previous lives sunset Buddha Audra sculpture

Jataka tales are a voluminous body of literature native to India concerning the previous births of Gautama Buddha in both human and animal form. The word “Jataka” means “birth” in Sanskrit and Pali. These stories are meant to teach ethical and moral values, the importance of kindness, and the consequences of one’s actions. They serve […]

10 Clues to the meaning of Zen

zen temple Zen Buddhism Mahayana Japan Chinese chan architecture zen garden

What is the essence of Zen? The term “Zen” permeates various domains of modern life, from design to everyday vernacular, yet its authentic essence often eludes understanding. Pure Zen defies simple description; it embodies a state of utmost vitality and presence, emphasizing a deep engagement with the reality of the present moment, unclouded by subjective […]

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